• Paying Too Much For Web Hosting?

    Paying Too Much For Web Hosting?

    Just want a quote?  Contact us here.

    Yellowfin can save you up to 70% off your current hosting bills.


    As the old adage goes, there’s no such thing as a free lunch.  And when it comes to websites, there’s no such thing as a free website.

    Some of the more popular DIY website builder services seem to offer too-good-to-be-true deals – and that’s likely because they are.  The initial offer ticks up after the first month, inflating the cost of hosting after only 30 days – it’s captured-audience marketing – just to get you in the door, and once they have you, the small and steady stream of pricing increases often go unnoticed.  It’s small items that most first-time website owners don’t realize they need – until they’ve already invested their time and energy into building a website.

    The Sunk Cost Fallacy

    “Well, I’ve already spent so many hours building the website, it seems a waste to do something else now”.  In behavioral economics, we call this “The Sunk Cost Fallacy”, where we, as consumers, continue to engage in a behavior solely due to the investments (time and money) already made.  This line of reasoning lends itself to the benefit of the companies you are paying to let you build your own website – rather than to you and your business.  To be clear, you’re paying these companies for the privilege of them allowing you to do your own work, often with no experience or knowledge as to how to build a successful beneficial website that serves you, your business, and most importantly, your customers.

    Addon Items

    Various offers often include things you’ll require as a new website owner, some you may be aware of, and some you may not, but more-often-than-not it’s only a single one of the required items given in their introduction deals, as the entire suite of available (and necessary) products/services has a price point that would make you raise an eye-brow if presented all at once.  Email accounts, Secure Certificates, Server Space, Security Software, Anti-Malware, Domain Privacy, Backups, and so much more.  Each item requiring some new additional financial investment ticking away at your marketing budget – and each priced such that it doesn’t seem like a heavy investment, until you’re so dependent that the sunk-cost-fallacy sinks in and you’re left with a monthly bill that’s 10 times what you expected to pay for your “free” website.

    When “the deal” ends

    The promotional offer ends, your monthly hosting doubles, then an additional $5 for new email accounts, $100 for a yearly certificate, $9 a month for daily backups, the site has grown in size so you require more storage space for an extra $20 a month, you want to protect yourself and your users so you install security software – it goes on and on, until that five dollar a month website that you paid to build yourself is now costing you over $100 a month.

    The sunk-cost-fallacy grows stronger, so you accept each price hike due to necessity rather than want.

    What are you paying for anyway?

    To keep prices low while hosting hundreds of thousands of websites the infrastructure supporting your website is set up to be as cost-effective as technologically possible, resulting in your website being shared on a server with hundreds or thousands of other websites with performance benchmarks set at a bare minimum, with little to no support – just an ever increasing bill.  Shared hosting provides slower service, slowing down your website and reducing your effectiveness with SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) and providing your customers with sub-par performance.

    Yellowfin can help!

    We can review your current hosting plan, with all included services, and help to determine if you could be saving money while also getting better service, better server infrastructure – and even offer design critique on your chosen design (afterall, your website not only has to be cost-effective for your business – but also be a benefit to you and your customers). There is no obligation, this is a free consultation, we typically save our clients up to 70% off their current hosting bills.

    • ✓ Save up to 70%
    • ✓ No obligation
    • ✓ No contracts
    • ✓ Hassle-free

    Read more about our hosting and maintenance solutions here.

    Use the form below to send us a copy of you current hosting bill, and we’ll investigate to see if we can save you some money on your monthly website fees.

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      Attach Hosting Bill (PDF or Photo - not required*)

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