• Fixing the Friction: How Small Adjustments Can Make a Big Impact in Your Marketing

    How Small Adjustments Can Make a Big Impact in Your Marketing

    In business, small friction points can cost you leads, create confusion, and make it harder for potential clients to connect with you. Often, we don’t notice these roadblocks until they’re pointed out—by a customer, a colleague, or even a random conversation. But when we listen to feedback—good or bad—we gain valuable insight into what needs Continue Reading

  • Having a Website Isn’t Enough – The Evolution of Local Marketing

    Why Having a Website Isn’t Enough – The Evolution of Local Marketing I recently had a conversation with a client that highlighted a common misconception about internet marketing. He had just invested in a new website but wasn’t seeing the business growth he expected. When I asked about his marketing strategy, he admitted he didn’t Continue Reading

  • Search engines are stealing your content AND your traffic – then selling it back to you.

    Search Engines Are Stealing Your Content AND Your Traffic – Then Selling It Back to You. (And How To Combat This Behavior) The rise of generative AI-powered search results is changing the way people find information online — and not in a way that benefits your business. Search engines are now scraping content from your Continue Reading

  • “New Year, New Me” Website Checklist Edition

    “New Year, New Me” Website Checklist Edition It’s that time of year again, the gym is packed with people chasing after their New Year’s Resolutions, dinner plates with smaller portions and healthier options, smiles instead of grimaces to push out that new positive attitude.  New routines, new regimens, all in the effort for betterment. Your Continue Reading

  • How Local Search Can Benefit Your Business

    Business Listing Scan

    Every search is a local search. Using Yellowfin Development to manage your local listings, your locations and people will perform better in search results and your customers will find the information they need. Read on to learn how we help local businesses improve their local SEO.